La Malaisie en DIRECT LIVE from Malaysia
1. L'hotel Raffles de Singapour / Raffles hotel in Singapore 2. La city de Singapour / The city in Singapore 3. L'hotel Raffles de Singapour / Raffles hotel in Singapore 4. Orchard Road a Singapour / Orchard Road in Singapore 5. Orchard Road a Singapour / Orchard Road in Singapore 6. Orchard Road a Singapour / Orchard Road in Singapore 7. Melange ethnique sur Orchard Road / Ethnic mix-up on Orchard street 8. Melange ethnique sur Orchard Road / Ethnic mix-up on Orchard street 9. Food center le soir / Food center at night 10. Food center le soir / Food center at night 11. La promenade au bord de la riviere / The riverwalk by night 12. La promenade au bord de la riviere et la city / The riverwalk and the skyscrappers by night 13. La promenade au bord de la riviere et la city / The riverwalk and the skyscrappers by night
Eric PIGNOLO - Septembre 2001